Step 1
Copy files and directories below to new device:
Create a directory named hexo to store them and the instructs followed run under this path(~/hexo/) unless otherwise stated .
Step 2
Install Node.js(recommend node-v4.4.1-x64.msi, using other versions may meet different problems)
Step 3
Install hexo:
If you wait for a long time and there isn’t any progress. Please execute the instructs below:
Step 4
Install dependencies:
Step 5
Login in git account:
更详细的可见 hexo d命令报错问题
Step 6
Backup “themes/next/“. Clone the theme(here use next as example):
Delete all files and directories under “themes/next/“ besides “.github”. Restore “themes/next/“ you backup before and execute the instructs below(under ~/hexo/themes/next/):
Step 7
Generate and deploy:
Other Instructions
I execute setp 7 after step 4 and system prompt:
1234567891011INFO Deploying: gitINFO Setting up Git deployment...Initialized empty Git repository in C:/hexo/.deploy_git/.git/*** Please tell me who you are.Rungit config --global ""git config --global "Your Name"...Your blog may be whole white without step 6.
Clean Cache:
delete directory “~/hexo/.deploy_git/“
execute:1hexo cleanThe progress info may stuck in half way. You probably don’t believe it that it’s caused to the slow internet. (说起来你可能不相信,这全赖网速慢)
I try to add “~/hexo/public/“ to git and interrupt in half way and I don’t know the effect.
My blog lack some modules at one time and don’t lack any modules suddenly.
Some Tips
Add Portrait
Revise the attribution of avatar in “~/hexo/themes/next/_config.yml”:123avatar: /uploads/avatar.pngoravatar: http://...Add Friend Link
Add these codes at the tail of “~/hexo/themes/next/_config.yml”123456# Blogrollslinks_title: 友情链接#links_layout: block#links_layout: inlinelinks:围城: blog.callouweicheng.cnremove the useless label at the bottom of blog
revise “~/hexo/themes/next/layout/_partials/footer.swig”. The final result:1234567891011<div class="copyright" >{% set current = date(, "YYYY") %}© {% if theme.since and theme.since != current %} {{ theme.since }} - {% endif %}<span itemprop="copyrightYear">{{ current }}</span><span class="with-love"><i class="fa fa-heart"></i></span><span class="author" itemprop="copyrightHolder">{{ }}</span></div>{% block footer %}{% endblock %}